Results for 'Bill G. Aldridge'

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    Quantitative aspects of science and technology.Bill G. Aldridge - 1967 - Columbus, Ohio,: C. E. Merrill Books.
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    790 The Idea of a University.G. I. Bill - 1999 - In D. C. Smith & Anne Karin Langslow, The idea of a university. Philadelphia: J. Kingsley Publishers. pp. 51--189.
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  3. The student journalist and editorial leadership.Bill G. Ward - 1969 - New York,: Richards Rosen Press.
  4. Comprehension of a simplified assent form in a vaccine trial for adolescents: Table 1.Sonia Lee, Bill G. Kapogiannis, Patricia M. Flynn, Bret J. Rudy, James Bethel, Sushma Ahmad, Diane Tucker, Sue Ellen Abdalian, Dannie Hoffman, Craig M. Wilson & Coleen K. Cunningham - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):410-412.
    Introduction Future HIV vaccine efficacy trials with adolescents will need to ensure that participants comprehend study concepts in order to confer true informed assent. A Hepatitis B vaccine trial with adolescents offers valuable opportunity to test youth understanding of vaccine trial requirements in general. Methods Youth reviewed a simplified assent form with study investigators and then completed a comprehension questionnaire. Once enrolled, all youth were tested for HIV and confirmed to be HIV-negative. Results 123 youth completed the questionnaire (mean age=15 (...)
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    Satiety-dependent microbehavior in water ingestion by the rat: The effects of salt and water preloads on response duration.Lowell T. Crow, Bill G. Coop & Linda L. Carlock - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (5):349-352.
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    (1 other version)The Logical Priority of the Question: R. G. Collingwood, Philosophical Hermeneutics and Enquiry-Based Learning.David Aldridge - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):71-85.
    The thesis that all learning has the character of enquiry is advanced and its implications are explored. R. G. Collingwood's account of ‘the logical priority of the question’ is explained and Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutical justification and development, particularly the rejection of the re-enactment thesis, is discussed. Educators are encouraged to consider the following implications of the character of the question implied in all learning: (i) that it is a question that is constituted in the event rather than prepared or given (...)
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  7.  39
    Advancing independent adolescent consent for participation in HIV prevention research.Seema K. Shah, Susannah M. Allison, Bill G. Kapogiannis, Roberta Black, Liza Dawson & Emily Erbelding - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):431-433.
    In many regions around the world, those at highest risk for acquiring HIV are young adults and adolescents. Young men who have sex with men in the USA are the group at greatest risk for HIV acquisition, particularly if they are part of a racial or ethnic minority group.1 Adolescent girls and young women have the highest incidence rates of any demographic subgroup in sub-Saharan Africa.2 To reverse the global AIDS pandemic’s toll on these high-risk groups, it is important to (...)
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    Computing motivation: Incentive salience boosts of drug or appetite states.Kent C. Berridge, Jun Zhang & J. Wayne Aldridge - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):440-441.
    Current computational models predict reward based solely on learning. Real motivation involves that but also more. Brain reward systems can dynamically generate incentive salience, by integrating prior learned values with even novel physiological states (e.g., natural appetites; drug-induced mesolimbic sensitization) to cause intense desires that were themselves never learned. We hope future computational models may capture this too.
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    An Investigation of Situational and Dispositional Antecedents of Faking Intentions in Selection Interviews.Benedikt Bill, Klaus G. Melchers, Anne-Kathrin Buehl & Sabine Wank - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Blocking in mental fatigue and anoxemia compared.A. G. Bills - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (5):437.
  11.  21
    Christ Church and Reform 1850-67.E. G. W. Bill & J. F. A. Mason - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (3):306-307.
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    Changing views of psychology as science.A. G. Bills - 1938 - Psychological Review 45 (5):377-394.
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    Fatigue, oscillation, and blocks.A. G. Bills - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (5):562.
  14. General Experimental Psychology.A. G. Bills - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (44):493-494.
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  15.  53
    Some causal factors in mental blocking.A. G. Bills - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (2):172.
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    The quantitative set.A. G. Bills & C. Brown - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (4):301.
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    The relation of stuttering to mental fatigue.A. G. Bills - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (4):574.
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    Book Review:The Mind in Action: A Study of Motives and Values. A. Campbell Garnett. [REVIEW]Arthur G. Bills - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (4):476-.
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    Book Review:Psychology: Science or Superstition? Grace Adams. [REVIEW]Arthur G. Bills - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (3):333-.
  20.  17
    Two factors in the work decrement.E. S. Robinson & A. G. Bills - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (6):415.
  21. A comparison of electron cloud density measurements using shielded pickups and te waves at cesrta✂.J. P. Sikora, M. G. Billing, J. A. Crittenden, M. A. Palmer, D. L. Rubin & S. De Santis - unknown - Ratio 2 (10).
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  22. Bodily awareness and the self.Bill Brewer - 1995 - In José Luis Bermúdez, Anthony Marcel & Naomi Eilan, The Body and the Self. MIT Press. pp. 291-€“303.
    In The Varieties of Reference (1982), Gareth Evans claims that considerations having to do with certain basic ways we have of gaining knowledge of our own physical states and properties provide "the most powerful antidote to a Cartesian conception of the self" (220). In this chapter, I start with a discussion and evaluation of Evans' own argument, which is, I think, in the end unconvincing. Then I raise the possibility of a more direct application of similar considerations in defence of (...)
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  23.  28
    G. E. M. Anscombe and Pacifism.Bill Bolin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:29-34.
    The number of wars in which modern countries, primarily the United States and Great Britain, have been involved in the past one hundred years might leave the impression that peace movements there are ineffectual. Virtually every war in recent US and UK history has had its corresponding anti-war protests, and there is no record of a peace movement actively stopping an impending significant military action at inception, although evidence exists that peace movements have affected martial policy after the initial stages (...)
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    (2 other versions)G.W.F. Hegel, Jenaer Kritische Schriften . Hamburg, Felix Meiner , 1983, pp. xxxix, 212, paperback DM 32.Bill Doniela - 1985 - Hegel Bulletin 6 (1):44.
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    F. C. S. S chiller and the G rowth of H umanism.Bill Cooke - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 16 (1):93-101.
  26.  54
    Metalinguistic Negotiation in Legal Speech.Bill Watson - 2023 - Law and Philosophy 42 (5):487-524.
    This paper examines the role of metalinguistic negotiation in lawyers’ and judges’ speech about the law. A speaker engages in metalinguistic negotiation when the speaker uses a term to advocate for what that term should mean or how it should be used relative to context. While I doubt that legal practitioners employ metalinguistic negotiation in the ways that David Plunkett and Tim Sundell have proposed, it is plausible that practitioners do so in another way. Specifically, I contend that lawyers and (...)
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  27. Responsibility Lecture 1: Responsibility and its Structure.Bill Pollard - unknown
    “Bads” e.g. poverty, deprivation, constraint, ill-treatment, misery The traditional concern of theories of punishment (“retributive justice”).
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  28.  81
    Reference and Subjectivity.Bill Brewer - 2004 - In John Greco, Ernest Sosa: And His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 215–223.
    In ‘Fregean Reference Defended’ (1995), Sosa presents a sophisticated descriptive theory of reference, which he calls ‘fregean’, and which he argues avoids standard counterexamples to more basic variants of this approach. What is characteristic of a fregean theory, in his sense, is the idea that what makes a person’s thought about some object, a, a thought about that particular thing, is the fact that a uniquely satisfies an appropriate individuator which is suitably operative in her thinking.1 On his version, (FT), (...)
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    Waugh, Charles G., and Martin H. Greenberg, eds., with an introduction by George E. Slusser. The Best Science Fiction of Arthur Conan Doyle. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1981. xix + 190 pp.; $14.95 (hb); ISBN 0-8093-1046-5. [REVIEW]Bill Bryant - 1982 - Science, Technology and Human Values 7 (3):123-123.
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  30. Linking Forests and Economic Well-Being: A Four-Quadrant Approach.Sen Wang, C. Tyler DesRoches, Lili Sun, Brad Stennes, Bill Wilson & G. Cornelis van Kooten - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1 (37):1821-1831.
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    Health Insurance Coverage for Vulnerable Populations: Contrasting Asian Americans and Latinos in the United States.Margarita Alegría, Zhun Cao, Thomas G. McGuire, Victoria D. Ojeda, Bill Sribney, Meghan Woo & David Takeuchi - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (3):231-254.
    This paper examines the role that population vulnerabilities play in insurance coverage for a representative sample of Latinos and Asians in the United States. Using data from the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS), these analyses compare coverage differences among and within ethnic subgroups, across states and regions, among types of occupations, and among those with or without English language proficiency. Extensive differences exist in coverage between Latinos and Asians, with Latinos more likely to be uninsured. Potential explanations include (...)
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    An experimental investigation of implicature and homogeneity approaches to free choice.Lyn Tieu, Cory Bill & Jacopo Romoli - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (4):431-471.
    A sentence containing disjunction in the scope of a possibility modal, such as _Angie is allowed to buy the boat or the car_, gives rise to the free choice inference that Angie can freely choose between the two. This inference poses a well-known puzzle, in that it is not predicted by a standard treatment of modals and disjunction (e.g., Kamp (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 74:57–74, 1974 )). To complicate things further, free choice tends to disappear under negation: _Angie is (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Robert R. Sherman, Gerald L. Gutek, Don T. Martin, Harvey Neufeldt, Bill Buchanan, William F. Pinar & Herbert G. Reid - 1992 - Educational Studies 23 (3):281-319.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Kenneth D. Witmer Jr, Addie J. Butler, Bill Eaton, E. V. Johanningmeier, Gerald L. Gutek, Hilda Calabro, Charles M. Dye, Robert J. Skovira, Susan Ludmer-Gliebe, George W. Bright, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Frederick M. Schultz & Fred D. Kierstead - 1979 - Educational Studies 10 (3):304-325.
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  35. Bill Martin, Humanism and its Aftermath.G. Calder - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
  36. Unjustified Asymmetry: Positive Claims of Conscience and Heartbeat Bills.Kyle G. Fritz - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):46-59.
    In 2019, several US states passed “heartbeat” bills. Should such bills go into effect, they would outlaw abortion once an embryonic heartbeat can be detected, thereby severely limiting an individual’s access to abortion. Many states allow health care professionals to refuse to provide an abortion for reasons of conscience. Yet heartbeat bills do not include a positive conscience clause that would allow health care professionals to provide an abortion for reasons of conscience. I argue that this asymmetry is unjustified. The (...)
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    Time and Attention: Students, Sessions, and Tasks.Andrew Arnold, Richard Scheines, Joseph E. Back & Bill Jerome - unknown
    Students in two classes in the fall of 2004 making extensive use of online courseware were logged as they visited over 500 different “learning pages” which varied in length and in difficulty. We computed the time spent on each page by each student during each session they were logged in. We then modeled the time spent for a particular visit as a function of the page itself, the session, and the student. Surprisingly, the average time a student spent on learning (...)
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    The Bill of Social Rights. [REVIEW]E. N. G. - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (16):442.
  39.  52
    Bill mckibben maybe one: A personal and environmental argument for single-child families. [REVIEW]G. Wunderlich - 1998 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (2):159-162.
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  40. Hegel article on the English reform bill in the context of the German discourse on the 19th-century british constitution.G. Lottes - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Perception and reason. Bill Brewer.William G. Lycan - 2001 - Mind 110 (439):725-729.
  42.  27
    Bill to Resume Federal Funding of Fetal Tissue Transplantation Is Damaging to Women.Dorothy E. Vawter, Karen G. Gervais & Warren Kearney - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 13 (5):11.
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    Authorship of the "Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality".P. G. Groenewegen - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (4):601.
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    A critique of the Law Commission's report on injuries to unborn children and the proposed Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) Bill.Ian Kennedy & R. G. Edwards - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (3):116-121.
    The authors are members of the British Association Committee on Social Concern and Biological Advances. Following earlier discussions of legal and social problems arising from certain medical advances, they undertook, independently, to examine the Law Commission's study.
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  45. The G.I. Bill and U.S. Social Policy, Past and Future.Theda Skocpol - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (2):95.
    The fiftieth anniversary of the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt arrived only months after the 1994 U.S. elections brought to power conservative Republican congressional majorities determined to reverse key legacies of Roosevelt's New Deal. At this juncture of special poignancy for many of those assembled at the “Little White House” in Warm Springs, Georgia on April 12, 1995, President Bill Clinton offered remarks on “Remembering Franklin D. Roosevelt.” “Like our greatest presidents,” Clinton eulogized, Roosevelt “showed us how to (...)
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  46. A role for doctors in assisted dying? An analysis of legal regulations and medical professional positions in six European countries.G. Bosshard, B. Broeckaert, D. Clark, L. J. Materstvedt, B. Gordijn & H. C. Muller-Busch - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):28-32.
    Objectives: To analyse legislation and medical professional positions concerning the doctor’s role in assisted dying in western Europe, and to discuss their implications for doctors.Method: This paper is based on country-specific reports by experts from European countries where assisted dying is legalised , or openly practiced , or where it is illegal .Results: Laws on assisted dying in The Netherlands and Belgium are restricted to doctors. In principle, assisted suicide is not illegal in either Germany or Switzerland, but a doctor’s (...)
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    Clinicians' “folk” taxonomies and the DSM: Pick your poison.G. Scott Waterman - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (3):pp. 271-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Clinicians’ “Folk” Taxonomies and the DSM: Pick Your PoisonG. Scott Waterman (bio)Keywordsnosology, classification, diagnosis, psychopathologyWith attention turning to the process of formulating the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V; e.g., Kendler et al. 2008), the study by Flanagan and Blashfield (2007) of the similarities and differences between clinicians’ “folk” taxonomies and psychiatry’s official one is timely, and its lessons are in need of (...)
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  48. Courage, cowardice, and Maher’s misstep.Brent G. Kyle - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):565-587.
    Could a Nazi soldier or terrorist be courageous? The Courage Problem asks us to answer this sort of question, and then to explain why people are reluctant to give this answer. The present paper sheds new light on the Courage Problem by examining a controversy sparked by Bill Maher, who claimed that the 9/11 terrorists’ acts were ‘not cowardly.’ It is shown that Maher's controversy is fundamentally related to the Courage Problem. Then, a unified solution to both problems is (...)
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    An ethics casebook for hospitals: practical approaches to everyday ethics consultations.Mark G. Kuczewski - 2018 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Edited by Rosa Lynn B. Pinkus & Katherine Wasson.
    Originally published in 1999, this classic textbook includes twenty-six cases with commentary and bibliographic resources designed especially for medical students and the training of ethics consultants. The majority of the cases reflect the day-to-day moral struggles within the walls of hospitals typically described as community hospitals; as a result, the cases do not focus on esoteric, high-tech dilemmas--viz., genetic engineering or experimental protocols--but rather on fundamental problems that are pervasive in basic healthcare delivery in the United States: where to send (...)
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  50. Another "Curious Legend" about Hume's An Abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature.Mark G. Spencer - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (1):89-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 1, April 2003, pp. 89-98 Another "Curious Legend" about Hume's An Abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature MARK G. SPENCER I In 1938, J. M. Keynes and P. Sraffa edited and introduced for Cambridge University Press a reprinting of An Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature.1 The Abstract they claimed in their subtitle was "A Pamphlet hitherto unknown by DAVID HUME." Arguing (...)
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